Outdoor parquet


Outdoor decking represents the wood flooring used to cover outdoor surfaces they can be used for cladding too. Their characteristics make them suitable for decking.

Laying a wooden deck is not as difficult as many believe. It’s simply a series of individual boards installed perpendicular to the hidden fasteners of aluminium.

The wood is fastened to the sub structure using plastic clips.

Outdoor decking floors can be sanded and refinished (Usually 4 to 5 times, depending upon thickness). Hiring a flooring professional to sand and refinish the floor is a must

40CM X 40CM

Original price was: EGP5,529.Current price is: EGP4,147. incl. Vat

Availability: 136 in stock


Availability: 1 in stock


Original price was: EGP5,529.Current price is: EGP4,147. incl. Vat

Availability: 1 in stock


Original price was: EGP5,529.Current price is: EGP4,147. incl. Vat


Original price was: EGP14,250.Current price is: EGP10,688. incl. Vat

Availability: 5 in stock


Original price was: EGP5,700.Current price is: EGP4,275. incl. Vat

Availability: 6 in stock


Original price was: EGP5,700.Current price is: EGP4,693. incl. Vat

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